Calm on the Wing

I’m back. I was thinking of talking to you about something and here I am doing it! How’s that for follow through? Pretty good if you don’t count that I haven’t posted in years. Pretty bad if you don’t count that I was writing a new book that whole time, called The Wonder Paradox in case you’ve missed it plastered all over this website. Hell folks I’m super excited that I still know how to update this website. So that’s pretty good.

What I’ve got you here to talk about is I was wondering how many people in the world can people watch from their own windows. And how many think of it as a regular pastime. I love to look at them go by out front, my husband doesn’t engage in the sport, and Goldie loves to do it most of all and as you may have surmised she is the dog. Out back, it’s Wild Kingdom and that rivets all three of us. Why so wild in Brooklyn? Well, one day I got an unopened bag of birdseed from a stoop giveaway and by the time I hit the bottom of the bag I was hooked, or rather some bluejays and a pair of cardinals, as well as a crusade of sparrows had gotten their hooks into me. We stare out at our aviary after I’ve broadcast seeds and squee with the color and the song except for those of us who just want to chase the squirrels.

I wonder if it lowers anxiety, spending time hypnotized by the doings of the living. Maybe that’s why I indulge, but it doesn’t sound quite right regarding Goldie, right? What about you? People watcher? Bird observant? And is it ocular zanax? lmk